The Ancient Wisdom Newsletter

Writing Is a Superpower. Use it to 10X your business.

Writing is everything when it comes to your business.Your sales pages, product descriptions, and social media captions are all chances for you to educate your customers, so are you making the most of them?

Writing Is a Superpower. Use it to 10X your business.

Read Time:  7 Minutes

Writing is everything when it comes to your business.

Your sales pages, product descriptions, and social media captions are all chances for you to educate your customers, so are you making the most of them?

Writing powerful copy that pushes your customers to action is vital to running any successful business. On top of that, you need to learn how to format your writing to convert your readers into customers.

Today I am going to break down why writing is a superpower and how you can use it to 10X your business.

Why writing is so crucial in your business 

Writing is the backbone of every business.

No matter how you market your product or service, you will need to educate your customers on your service offer, product benefits, or how your product or service works.

This included speaking to their pain points, dreams, and goals so you can persuade them to purchase what you are offering. No matter how great your product or service is, you must write about it in a way that excites your reader to action to make sales.

This is why writing is crucial to your business.

What you write is what your customers make their purchasing decisions on, how they judge your business, and how they navigate what you do, how you do it, and if it is worth their time. Perfecting your writing on your website, social media, and advertising is the most important investment you can make.

The best way to start improving your writing to increase conversions in your business is to write directly to your ideal customers.

Writing for your ideal customers

Whenever you are writing anything, you should have an audience in mind. By having an audience in mind, you can craft what you are writing to speak directly to their pain points.

To do this, you will have to identify who your ideal customer is and why they would want to buy your product or service. When I am writing copy for my own content, products, or services, I hone in on the ideal customer profile I have defined for my niche.

Here is the core audience that I write to when I create content:

Demographic: 18 to 40, Professional Male or Female

Occupation: Business owner, Freelancer, Creative, Online Creator

Location: United States

Income: $30,000 USD to $75,000 USD

Primary Pain Points: They are having a hard time growing their online business, or they would like to quit their job and start their own freelance business/ personal brand business.

Goals: To grow their business, brand, or online presence through freelancing, personal branding, or creating content online.

By identifying who I am writing directly to, I can speak directly to their pain points and goals to persuade them to subscribe to my newsletter, purchase my products, or work directly with me.

Before you write anything, you should identify who you are writing to and why instead of creating written content and sending it into the void. Picture you are writing a letter directly to someone who is interested in your product or service.

Start identifying who your ideal customer is by defining core attributes about them that will impact their buying decisions. 

When building out your ideal customer profile, make sure to find out the following through research about who consumes your product, services, and content online:

- Demographics (Age, Gender, Race, Etc.)

- Occupation or how they make their money

- Location (Country, Region, City, Neighborhood)

- Income (Total income, Disposable income)

- All pain points they may have that you can solve

- The goals that they would want to achieve by buying your product or service.

By learning all of these key attributes about your ideal customer, you can start to craft your messaging to speak to their needs and persuade them to invest in your product or service.

Crafting your messaging 

Crafting your messaging is the number one thing that most businesses and creators get wrong. Your messaging should come directly from the brand pillars of your business and speak to the audience you have identified in the last section. 

All of your writing is reflective of how your customers will perceive your business. If you have a laid-back, chill business that sells beachwear, all of your copy on your website, social media, and advertising should be laid back and reflective of your business.

Imagine your business is a person, how would they look, how would they sound, what would they wear, and what would their personality be like?

Answering these questions can help you start to craft your messaging, Below is a framework to start crafting your messaging to be reflective of your business and speak directly to your ideal customers.

- Start by writing out all of your customer's pain points that your product or service solves. After each pain point, answer how your product or service solves that pain point.

- Second, start to identify your tone of voice by writing about how you perceive your business. Use the example of if your business was a person, what would they be like?

- Combine both your solutions with your business's tone of voice to create messaging that speaks to your ideal customer.

- Last, create multiple variations of the same message you are trying to convey and test them on your audience. Find what works best, what resonates, and what converts readers into customers.

Crafting your messaging takes time and testing. The best way to do this is to write often and test the same ideas over a few weeks to see how writing in different tones of voice affects change in your business.

The goal of crafting your message is to speak directly to your target audience and educate them on how you can help them by speaking their language. The only way to learn their language is to read the content your ideal customer consumes from their point of view and then recreate what works in your writing.

Writing your offers, product descriptions, and sales copy.

Once you have identified your tone of voice, it is time to start writing your offers, product descriptions, and sales copy. Here are some tips to make your written content better.

- Always make sure what you are writing is short and snappy. Nobody likes to read a wall of text. Shoot to have your ideas be no longer than one sentence and paragraphs be no more than 3-4 lines.

- Product descriptions and sales pages should always speak to the direct pain points of your customers. Yes, features and information about the product are great, but how does it solve your customer's problem?

- Make your readers feel! Invoke emotion by addressing their problems, current journey, and end goals. 

- Make storytelling key to your writing. Guide your readers through a journey that will help them picture them buying your product or service.

- Test important text like headlines, and call to action on a regular basis to find what works best. You should constantly be testing 5 to 10 variations for growth in ads and social media captions.

- Steal what is working best for your competitors and make it your own by injecting your voice and personality into formats that work for your industry and niche.

- Last. focus on simplifying what you are writing. Aim to have a reading level of Grade 6 or below so it is universally understood by your audience.

As you continue to perfect your messaging, tone of voice, and writing style, how you format your writing becomes just as important. Shoot to keep your writing short and informative. Cut out all fluff, and shoot to have short sentences.

Attention spans are getting shorter, and most of your readers will skim what you write as they are short on time. Shoot to have strong hooks and calls to action to draw readers in so they do not gloss over what is essential.

As you develop your writing, take notes on what is working for your competitors and creators in your industry who are successful. Break down how they write and reverse engineer what is working in their product descriptions and sales content.

Last, shoot to write for 30 minutes a day about your product, service, or knowledge adjacent to it. This will help you get better at writing and help you craft your messaging.

How This Will 10X Your Business:

Writing will only grow your business once you have developed a system that speaks directly to your ideal customers and answers their questions, concerns, and pain points. 

After testing different headlines, calls to action, and offerings and finding what works best for converting your readers, you need to invest in distribution.

Distribution can be paid ads, social media marketing, email marketing, or any outbound marketing that gets your sales offer in front of new customers. If your writing and offers perform great organically, then putting a little bit of money behind what is working will help you 10X what you are doing.

Start by testing your writing on Linkedin, Twitter, and Threads, and see how the content you create performs organically. After testing for a few weeks, you should have a collection of posts, formats, and messaging that resonate with your ideal customers.

You can identify if what you are writing is working based on the engagement you get and if any of your readers are converting into customers or inquiring about your services. Once you have found a winning system for your writing, focus on distributing it.

When you are just starting out marketing online, your organic reach will be low. This is why paying for distribution after you have found a proven system for your writing makes sense. Pay to reach new leads and convert them through your writing.

This is how you can use writing to 10X your business through ads, shoutouts, and paid collaborations. Create written content that speaks to your ideal customer, and then pay for it to reach a mass audience that will convert based on your prior experimentation.

As you continue to pay for distribution, test new headlines, captions, and offers to continue to scale your business over time.


Writing is a superpower that can help you grow your business is you know how to use it. Every business is reliant on writing for their content, marketing, and products so make the most of what you are writing.

Write directly to your ideal customer, speak to their pain points, and invoke emotion by telling a story. Reverse engineer what is working for your competitors and other creators, and test often to scale your business through writing. 

→This week’s action step: Every day this week, sit down and write about your product or service for 30 minutes. Get your ideas on the page, and start to craft your messaging to speak to your ideal customer. 

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Branding & Illustration Services

Starting a successful online business starts with having a strong brand identity system. Whether you're new to business or you've been around for 100 years, you need a logo and branding assets to help you gain trust with your customers. I can help bring your business to life.

Hand Drawn Fonts & Design Assets

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In addition to the Ancient Wisdom Newsletter, I have free guides that answer the frequently asked questions about design, online business, history, and how to become more successful.

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If my branding services are out of your current budget, I also have a selection of designs you can license. You can use these designs in your business, on merch, or buy outright to use for whatever you want.

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I publish a YouTube video every week covering different design, history, or business topics. On my channel, you can learn how to reverse engineer success one-on-one with me every week.

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Reverse Engineering Success
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