
How To Make Your First $1,000 Online

Making $1,000 online in 30 days is easier than you might think. In this guide, I will break down the 3 ways I have easily made $1,000 in 30 days online and how you can too.These quick guides are meant to be a quick overview of the process and how to get started, these are not full guides that show every step of the process.

How To Make Your First $1,000 Online With No Experience. A Breakdown For Beginners.

Making $1,000 online in 30 days is easier than you might think. In this guide, I will break down the 3 ways I have easily made $1,000 in 30 days online and how you can too.

These quick guides are meant to be a quick overview of the process and how to get started, these are not full guides that show every step of the process.

The 3 Methods To Easily Make $1,000 Online In 30 Days.

The three methods I will be going over are E-commerce, Freelancing, and Paid Courses. The three methods draw upon the core needs of most consumers online, sales, service, and education. Let me break these down for you.

Shopify Home Screen
Shopify For E-commerce Websites and Businesses


E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods over the internet. It's a game-changing innovation that has made shopping more convenient and accessible for everyone. With e-commerce, businesses can expand their reach and tap into a global market, while consumers can compare prices and make purchases from anywhere, at any time. 

This has given more power to small businesses that can now set up their own websites easily on platforms like Shopify and directly sell their products to customers around the world. If you are a small business that isn't online yet or is thinking about starting a business that sells physical products this is where you should start.

Example of my freelancing offer
A example of my own freelancing offer


Freelancing is when you are a self-employed service provider who provides a remote service such as graphic design, marketing, or video editing to companies or small businesses. This is how I made my first $1,000 online and is by far the fastest way to make money online if you have a technical skill like graphic design or copywriting.

Even if you do not have a skill you can easily learn a skill online and start freelancing for clients after learning it. This is my number one pick for new solopreneurs to make their first $1,000 online.

landing page for Justin Welsh's Linkedin Course
A example of a course from Justin Welsh

Paid Courses/ Or Digital Products

Paid courses or digital products are great ways to make passive income online if you are highly skilled in a certain field or industry. Get paid to teach what you already know to beginners or other small business owners, through platforms like Kajabi.

This path is best for those who have been a solopreneur or business owners for several years, as you can teach what you have learned about running your own business and making passive income doing it. Beginners should not do this as this requires a large amount of knowledge to get started.

Why These 3 Methods?

These 3 methods are the best for beginners because they can be done remotely from anywhere in the world, any question you may have can be easily answered with a quick google search, and they are recurring income sources that you can count on every month.

They are also flexible in that you can put as much or as little work into them and still make a decent amount of money. For those who want to scale an online business to 7 figures, these three methods have great scalability, and won’t go away anytime soon.

For those of you who want to work less and make more money, these businesses are great too as they can become semi-passive once you have set up the right systems for customer service and fulfillment. They are also easy businesses if you want to contract the work out to other freelancers or companies.

Let’s break each method down now! 

Website for Stetson Hats
E-commerce website For Stetson Hats.


To get started with e-commerce I recommend you set up a Shopify website where you can easily sell your products online. Shopify is a templated E-commerce website builder that is the best all in one E-commerce platform.

I have personally built over 30+ Shopify websites and have helped my clients build online businesses that sell over a million dollars in products annually. This is the best place to start if you are an existing business that is not online, or you run a small business that was previously on Etsy or Ebay. So let's jump into how to streamline building your e-commerce business.

To start setting up your Shopify store. You need to choose a profitable niche and products that you're passionate about. Once you have a clear idea of what you want to sell, it's time to set up your Shopify account and store. Select a theme that suits your brand and customize it to fit your style.

To build out your website you can watch videos on Youtube and follow the step-by-step guides they have, or you can use Shopify’s built-in tutorials and help forum.

Next, it's time to conduct some product research and sourcing, if you already have a business you can skip this part. If you are just getting started you will need to find the best products for your niche that have the potential for high profits.

Use Shopify's built-in analytics to identify top-selling products and trends in your niche. Go on Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok and see what products are being advertised. These ads will indicate what products are selling well on those platforms.

For item sourcing, you can white label your products, purchase items in bulk from a manufacturer, or use a marketplace like Alibaba to source your products. Once you've selected your products, you can start ordering them from suppliers, manufacturers, or wholesalers.

Alibaba home page
Alibaba for sourcing products, this website is also great for researching suppliers from China.

Have them shipped directly to your business or where you will be warehousing them. I would not recommend dropshipping due to the lengthy shipping times and the current supply chain issues that many businesses are facing.

Next, you will need to create high-converting product pages, this is essential to increasing sales. Make sure to write compelling product descriptions that highlight the benefits and features of each product. Use high-quality images and videos that showcase your products in their best light. Optimize your product pages for search engine visibility, so they appear in relevant search results.

Again you can use Youtube and learn how to create a compelling product page there or use Shopify’s tutorials and help forms.

Once you have gotten your products on the website and your web pages built out you are set to launch your website. The last step before driving traffic to your website is to update the inventory and shipping settings in Shopify so customers can begin to order products.

Now that your website is up and running, it's time to drive traffic to it. Set up social media profiles for your business and begin creating and publishing valuable content that resonates with your target audience.

To start out you will want to focus on gaining organic traffic to your website through educational content on social media, content related to your product niche, and word of mouth.

Share your new website with friends and family, and have them refer possible customers to your website. Try and exhaust all possible organic traffic sources to your website before you think about running any paid advertising. Organic content and traffic will validate if your products will sell and if you have set up your Shopify website correctly for customer use.

Once you have gained a few sales from organic traffic, friends and family, and have received some feedback on your website it is time to run targeted ads. For all beginners, I recommend starting with Facebook Ads and Google ads as they directly integrate into Shopify, and offer the best return on investment when starting out.

Again you can learn how to set up and run these ads either through Youtube or the setup guides that both platforms offer.

After setting up your organic traffic and paid traffic sources the next step is to start capturing email addresses and start to build an email list. This is a crucial step in increasing sales. Offer customers a one-time discount, referral programs, and weekly content in a newsletter to incentivize visitors to provide their email addresses. 

You can also take it a step further and set up email marketing campaigns to nurture your customers and build trust. Offer special deals to help grow your customer base, and directly reach out to customers when you have a promotion to offer, or a new product launch

Implementing a sales funnel is the next step to guide visitors toward making a purchase. Use retargeting ads to bring back visitors who abandoned their carts. Offer upsells and cross-sells to increase your average order value. Use Shopify's abandoned cart recovery feature to recover lost sales.

Also, implement email marketing funnel tools like Klaviyo to have automated email funnels that passively make sales for you.

Klaviyo Home Page
Klaviyo Home Page (In my opinion the best email marketing platform for E-commerce)

Above all else, the most important thing is to provide exceptional customer service. This is essential for building a loyal customer base. Set up a customer support system to handle inquiries and concerns.

Respond to customer inquiries promptly and professionally. Provide a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for your customers. You can do this yourself manually over emails with customers, or set up a customer management system like Zendesk to handle incoming customer needs.

Last is analyzing your website and sales performance using Shopify analytics, the analytics can help you identify areas for improvement. Test new strategies and tweak your website, marketing, and sales tactics to improve your conversion rates. By doing so, you can maximize your profits and scale your business.

All of this can be easily achieved in 30 days and lead to a $1,000 goal if you are a beginner. Analyze your sales data to see what worked and what didn't. Celebrate your success and reward yourself for your hard work. Scale your business by expanding your product offerings, marketing channels, and customer base.

In conclusion, starting an e-commerce business requires time, effort, and perseverance. With the right strategies and mindset, anyone can create a successful online store. This quick guide lays out the major steps that are needed to set up a successful e-commerce business.

All the technical skills like setting up your Shopify and product sourcing can easily be learned through Youtube or on each platform's tutorial guides.

my logo design offer
Example of one of my core service offers


Freelancing is the quickest and easiest way to make $1,000 in 30 days. If you want a full guide on freelancing check out this other guide here. If you are looking for a quick overview of the steps needed to start a freelancing business read below.

To start freelancing you need to identify your skills. What are you really good at? What value can you provide to businesses or individuals? Make a list of your skills and experience. Think about what you enjoy doing or what you're passionate about. Some in-demand skills for freelancers include writing, graphic design, web development, social media management, and virtual assistance.

Once you've identified your skills, you need to determine your niche and services. What specific services can you offer in your niche? For example, if you're a writer, you can offer services like blog writing, copywriting, or content marketing. Having a specific niche and services to offer will help you target your ideal clients and stand out from other freelancers.

Next, you need to create your portfolio and profile. Your portfolio is essential for showcasing your work and giving potential clients an idea of what you can offer. You can create a portfolio website or use platforms like Behance, Instagram, and Dribbble to showcase your work.

Nikolai Paquin Behance Profile
Example of my Behance profile in 2023

Don't forget to create a profile on freelancing platforms like Upwork or Fiverr. Your profile should highlight your skills, experience, and the services you offer. Make sure to optimize your profile for maximum visibility by using relevant keywords and including a professional profile picture.

With your portfolio and profile set up, it's time to start finding clients. You can find freelance jobs on freelancing platforms, job boards, or by reaching out to potential clients directly. When reaching out to potential clients, make sure to write an effective proposal that highlights your skills and experience.

Personalize your proposal to the service they need and how you can help them grow their business. If you don’t hear back from your inquiries follow up every 2 to 3 days until you get a no, or it has been over 30 days.

When you land a client, it's crucial that you deliver high-quality work. Communicate with your client to manage expectations and ask any questions you may have. Make sure to meet the deadlines and provide revisions if necessary. Delivering high-quality work will help you build a good reputation and increase your chances of getting repeat work or referrals.

Building relationships with your clients is key to freelancing success. Communicate with your clients and provide excellent customer service. Ask for feedback after completing a job and use it to improve your skills and services. You can also ask your clients for referrals or offer incentives for referrals.

Finally, track your progress and adjust your strategy based on your results. Keep track of your income, the number of jobs you've landed, and the clients you've worked with. Use this information to identify what's working and what's not. Adjust your strategy accordingly to improve your results.

In conclusion, freelancing can be a lucrative way to make your first $1,000 online in just 30 days. By identifying your skills, determining your niche and services, creating a killer portfolio and profile, applying for jobs, delivering high-quality work, building relationships with clients, and tracking your progress, you'll be well on your way to freelancing success.

For a full in-depth guide on freelancing and how I went from $0 to $100k freelancing read this full guide.

Example of a creator course by Ben Meer
Example of a creator course by Ben Meer

Paid Courses / Digital Products / And Coaching

The last methods to make $1,000 in 30 days are paid courses, digital products, and courses. In my opinion, this is the best method if you have been a solopreneur for a while or have been in an industry for several years and are looking to make more money passively.

You can turn your knowledge into online products that you can sell 24/7, that help educate your customers and give them systems to achieve their goals.

Let me break down how you can turn your knowledge into passive income with Kajabi. Kajabi is an all-in-one website builder, course builder, and sales funnel for solopreneurs.

I personally love Kajabi because it makes the process of creating an online business focused on courses, digital products, and coaching easy. All the tools you need can be found on Kajabi so you do not have to signup for several different platforms to run your education business. 

Kajabi Home Page

Below I will break down for you how to make your first $1,000 in 30 days with Kajabi selling paid courses, digital products, and paid coaching packages.

To start you need to define what skills you are good at, have extensive knowledge of, and have the desire to teach. Those skills could be graphic design, marketing, or how to grow an audience on social media, the key here is to create digital content around a topic your key audience wants to learn.

Once you have decided what topic you want to teach or make products about, the next step is to build out a website and a course on Kajabi. I will skip over how to design a website with Kajabi as Kajabi has an extensive archive of tutorials and articles that can teach you how to create a Kajabi website.

Kajabi also has its own academy that will teach you step-by-step how to create your own website, launch a course, and offer coaching packages.

Building out a course is easy with Kajabi but it will take a bit of prep work from you as well, so how do you design a paid course to sell?

First, you need to outline your course as if it was a book. In the outline section each step or topic, you want to teach into chapter sections. Below I have listed an example.

Basics Of Graphics Design For Business Course: (Title of course)

Introduction to Graphic Design: (Chapter 1)

  • Why Graphic Design Is Important
  • How learning graphic design will help you in your business

Design Software You Can Use: (Chapter 2)

  • Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign)
  • Canva

Basics Of Graphic Design: (Chapter 3)

  • Typography 
  • Layout Design
  • Designing for social media
  • Designing email marketing

Branding Your Business: (Chapter 4)

  • Logo Design
  • Branding Design
  • Branding Your Social Media

Graphic Design For Paid Ads: (Chapter 5)

  • Create designs for Paid Ads
  • Facebook Ad Design
  • Instagram Ad Design
  • Other Ad Types

Once you have an outline put together you can start creating each chapter either as a text section or as a video. I highly recommend that all course creators create a video course as it creates a better connection and understanding with your students than a text-only course.

For video courses, you can create a slideshow in google slides or PowerPoint and present that as your course on video. For video recording, you can use Loom to record yourself as you present your course with your built-in webcam.

Creating the actual course does not have to be difficult as you can do it with free tools like google slides, and loom. If you want to make your course production higher quality you can invest in a mirrorless camera, and a teleprompter and create it that way but that is overkill if you are a beginner.

For what you actually teach in each chapter I recommend that you create a slide presentation or a script that you can read as you are teaching. This will lead to you teaching naturally, and help you progress from section to section as you have written out what you are going to teach.

Mindset Mastery Course Screenshot
Example of a course I created on Mindset Mastery, Just with Google Slides and Loom.

As you create your course your goal should be to create each chapter into bite-size sections that are 5 to 15 minutes in length. Keep your chapters short and sweet so your students can learn easily and not get overwhelmed with a lot of information.

Creating the video for your course can be as easy or as difficult as you want to make it. I recommend that all course creators use Loom and Google Slides as this setup is more natural for teaching and leads to you not having to do post-production editing on the videos.

Once all of the videos for your course are completed you can easily upload them to Kajabi to construct your full course. Again I will say use Kajabi’s built-in videos and academy to build your course as they do an amazing job of teaching how to build it.

After all of your videos for the course are completed and you have set them up in Kajabi you should focus on building out digital products that go along with the course. You can include these in the course, or sell them as their own separate items on your Kajabi website.

Here are some ideas of items you can include in your course or as separate digital products:

  • Workbooks
  • Notion workspaces/templates
  • Design templates
  • E-book
  • PDF’s industry-specific templates
  • Social media growth hack templates
  • Canva/Adobe templates
  • LUT Packs
  • Graphic Packs
  • Video editing packs
  • Much More!

Building out additional digital products can help boost the number of sales you get on your course if they are included, or they can be used as a upsell for students who purchased your course.

You can sell them individually on their own, or have them as a “freebie” in your course. Building out additional products and systems for your students is a great way to gain trust and drive future sales from your students when you release a new digital product or course.

Now if you are not at the point where you are ready to create a course or digital product you can easily set up coaching packages for your students on Kajabi. Using Kajabis's built-in video meeting and payment/scheduling system you can coach your students directly through your own Kajabi website! 

You no longer need to use Zoom, or Google meets with a time limit, and you can collect payment directly from your students via Stripe which connects to Kajabi. If you want to set up a coaching program in Kajabi you can do so through their coaching product section in the backend of your Kajabi workspace.

In 5 minutes or less, you can set up a portal for coaching and a customer management system for your students. Again use the built-in Kajabi tutorials and academy to build that out. 

After you have built out either a course, digital product, or coaching package you can promote it on social media if you are actively building a following already, If you are not I highly suggest creating a personal brand and starting to create content based around your topic of interest on Instagram, Youtube, and Linkedin.

By building a personal brand you can grow an audience online who will want to learn more from you. This is the perfect way to organically build and market your brand, and then sell them a course or coaching without doing paid advertising. 

When selling to your audience your main goal is to help educate your audience and help them grow. Do not use your audience as a paycheck, and offer poor customer service as they will lose all trust in you. Also do not oversell, if you are creating great content on social media that offers actionable tips and systems your audience will naturally want to buy your course, digital product, or coaching.

Overall building out a Kajabi website and course can be easily done in under 30 days. By pricing your course for between $150 and $250 you can easily make $1,000 in a few days after launching your course and Kajabi website!

Pulling It All Together

Making your first $1,000 online can be easy if you find a path that works for your existing skillset. Each of these methods has there pros and cons if you are just starting out as a solopreneur or you're making a shift in your online business.

Out of all the ways to make money online, these are the 3 I always recommend as they are easy enough for a beginner to start, and are reliable so you can create a new business and scale it to 6 or 7 figures. 

Pick the path that is best suited for you and stick with it. As all of these methods require time, effort, and learning to be successful. None of these are get-rich-quick schemes, and all of them will teach you how to be a better solopreneur. Along the way, you will also learn invaluable skills that will help you expand your new online business or start other businesses that will expand your income.

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Reverse Engineering Success
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Every week, I post the best tips, strategies, and resources based on history to help you become more successful, happier, and healthier in less than 5 minutes.

Here are the core services and products I have created that can help you.

Branding & Illustration Services

Starting a successful online business starts with having a strong brand identity system. Whether you're new to business or you've been around for 100 years, you need a logo and branding assets to help you gain trust with your customers. I can help bring your business to life.

Hand Drawn Fonts & Design Assets

If you are a creative or a Design It Yourself (DIY) business owner, I have hand-drawn fonts and design packs to help you design branding materials, logos, and assets for your business or for client projects.

The Ancient Wisdom Newsletter

Every week, I send out a newsletter that breaks down the success of the most famous people, leaders, and businesses into systems you can use.

Free Guides To Help Online Business Owners

In addition to the Ancient Wisdom Newsletter, I have free guides that answer the frequently asked questions about design, online business, history, and how to become more successful.

Licensed Designs

If my branding services are out of your current budget, I also have a selection of designs you can license. You can use these designs in your business, on merch, or buy outright to use for whatever you want.

Youtube Channel

I publish a YouTube video every week covering different design, history, or business topics. On my channel, you can learn how to reverse engineer success one-on-one with me every week.

The Ancient Wisdom Newsletter

Reverse Engineering Success
Through History.

Every week, I post the best tips, strategies, and resources based on history to help you become more successful, happier, and healthier in less than 5 minutes.

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